Saturday, 4 November 2017



Prophetic Portraiture of Singer Song Writer A. Neil

Excerpt from my new Daily Devotional 
Power In The Midnight Hour: A Daily Devotional to Aid in Grief Recovery.

Available on Amazon Kindle December, 2018

Divine Intervention                                            January 27th

"This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it."

Fellowship with me is the answer to all your ills. If you rest in My Presence the world cannot touch you. This is your divine calling. To rest assured that I am in control of even the little events of each day. If you do not remain at my side; you will miss all the blessings I have in store for you. There is a place within where you will find this well-spring of joy I speak of so often. Am I not called “The Dayspring?” "Did I not say The Kingdom of God is within you?"

The "Joy of the Lord is my Strength" can only be truly understood when this communion is unbroken. If you seek fulfillment in other ways this Joy will fade and the world will crowd in with all its woes. You will then miss it; you will lose sight of the one thing that will bring you satisfaction in everyday life.

"Sit, Stand, and Walk" is what my child Watchman Nee learned at my side. While sitting in my presence you are taking on my nature. Thus, gaining wisdom and strength to stand and walk
through your day, knowing that in all trials undergone and duties performed, I am with you. As you perform these deeds of grace they will water your inner well-spring of Joy. This obedience to my will, allows the reins of my Spirit to enhance our influence in the world.
There is a price to pay for every day wasted away from my side. If you say to me, "I can't follow you today Jesus, I am still a sinner" then you prevent my work of sanctification transforming you to a Saint. Did not I call ordinary men, all sinners to the last one to follow me? And yet still upon their faith was my Kingdom built! I am the rock all else is sinking sand. Why waste one more moment? Take hold of me with both hands, draw near unto me, and I shall draw nigh unto thee.

I will never let you go. I will not let you die since you have taken your stand at my side and put your trust in Me.

"Breathe on me breath of God…that I might know you are near."

Mary at Penmaenmawr Beach, North Wales, GB

Tuesday, 31 October 2017



Begin with a heart to start...
Upon the paths of My New Beginnings.
Leave aside your cares and worries
Let My Holy Spirit bring
Peace to your hearts 
for rest in The Reckonings.

Calling those who are weary of their ways.
Allow them to come, to hear Me say...
I AM He who repays. 
Yes, I will bring The Reckonings
All debts will be paid.
My hand is not staid!
I Am He who is The Quickening.

I Am He who sends.
I Am He who mends.
I Am He who lends.
I Am He who tends...

My Sheep hear my voice
To come into the Penfold
Enter The Way yet Untold.
I call you to lead them 
To the Tump.

My Trump will be heard 
As you raise My Standard.
An Inner Way Quells.
Atop My Holy Tels.

A new Hostel to Host 
My Father, My Holy Ghost.
Publish Sacred Songs and Post
Spiritual Melodies to flow for a show.

The time of My appearing will 
be like falling snow
A Hoarfrost, A Blizzard of My Words.
Shall cover you in My Glow.

In a Storm of My Love and Light...
The Adversary will be put to flight!
Then the truth shall be known
And all shall be reaped 
That has been sown. 

Shining in Heaven and on Earth.
Like A Super Nova...
My Presence will burn!
I will make My Own Known.
Ere time has flown...
A Day for My Lease on Earth to own.

So uphold this Redemptions Song in your hearts. 
Do not delay to play your parts.
All is for nothing if you do not gain Christ.
Come take part in this
Holy Ghost Heist!

Souls will be won.
Hearts will be won.
Spirits will be shining.
In Glorious Repining!

So leave this old way
Join My Campaign to Repay!
The devil will not win his due.
By My Power My Saints I will imbue.

Solace, Tranquility, Peace...
All for the price of being
My Beloved in My Splice
I twin you to My Being.
Joined at the hip.
I will not slip.

Peaceful, Masterful ...
Joyful attitudes of mind.
Seeing Scenes of what will come
I will gladden your eyes.

Seeing Brothers & Sisters 
You will find others
In the hearing and obeying.
Leaving all the coming and going
in My hands.

Soon you will hear The Heavenly Hosts
Announce the bans of The Betrothed.
Readied to meet Her King.
Then all of mankind will sing.

In with the new and out with the old!
You have been bought not sold! 
With the Precious Blood of The King
who came to woo you...
My Glorified Bride
With no spot of pride.

One who is Faithful and True.
One who I sent who came
not but for the few.
But for all who would worship
Me In Spirit and In Truth. 

Then you will make that upward journey
through the Open Doors of Heaven.

                                                           My Heavenly Hosts will sing
Seeing the Brethren you will bring.
To meet Their King of Kings. 

Sunday, 29 October 2017


Who is your neighbor?

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." 

Do you know that when you help others in need
That Our Lord will always bless you and provide for your needs.

This is the Divine Law of Supply. 
  My children's book is a whimsical illustration of this law that will bless children who learn of this Divine Exchange. 

 My book is available on Special Offer on Amazon Kindle Books now.

Take a look and be sure to share with Kindle Select and Matchbox. 

Love is the flower.

Love is the seed from which that flower germinates.

Love is the soil in which it is nourished and grows.

Love is the sun that draws it to fulfilment.

Love is the fragrance that flower gives out.

Love is the vision that sees its beauty, and 

Jesus is Love, all-knowing, all-understanding, from Whom all Good proceeds.