Saturday, 27 July 2019



Watch to learn about the false doctrine of demons called "Once Saved, Always Saved. BY Pastor Sandy Armstrong Anointed Preacher Rapture of The Bride



“The opposition to My Word going forth to heal, save and deliver in the Manmade church will suddenly be removed. I will take away the False Shepherds and the False Leaders of Worship and remove them far from My Flock and replace them with My Anointed True Shepherds and My Anointed Fiery Worshippers. I will  bring upon them a Rod of My Unity that of which no man can break.”

“This will begin when I am worshipped in Spirit and in Truth. When I am worshipped The Bread of Heaven.  I will begin with the Youth. I will visit them and pour out through them My Spontaneous Songs and Dances of Deliverance.” 

“I will rid My Temple of the false ones who are blots on your love feasts, those Acolytes of My Adversary, those wolves amongst My Sheep.” Those who speak the Doctrine of Demons which promises "Once Saved, Always Saved!" They will go to hell for their apostasy. For practical teaching on this truth watch Pastor Sandy Armstrong teach what The Lord spoke to him about this so-called doctrine of Christ. It is anethema to Jesus who died to give us abundant life. People throw away their chance of eternal life by giving in to sin and then they are taught by their Pastors it is okay to continue in sin. Watch on youtube channel S4C Troops. To Watch this teaching go to

“I will cleanse My Temple and My Vessels with My Fires of Anointed Worship in Holiness. I will then draw them, like I did Moses to My Holy Mountain to be sanctified and consecrated for My Holy Purpose.”

Rhema Word heard Tuesday, 21st November, 2017 by Mary Kathryn Dullforce to illuminate the revelations of my Prophetic Artwork “Jesus filling His People with Anointed Holy Fiery Worship.”


While I was a pupil at a Christian Pre-School on the island of Jamaica in 1962-64 I would often visit the chapel to avoid the bees that were stinging me out by the old broken down tennis court which was the only playground for our playtime at recess.

There in the chapel I would interrupt Sister Coke at her prayers. She would tell me to be very quiet as she had a lot to discuss with Jesus and He needed her full attention. Sometimes she would provide me with butter sandwiches and some milk to ensure my silence. 

I rarely heard her say a word. So I wondered if she really was talking with Jesus Himself!  One day I asked her why I could not hear them talking. She said Jesus is so close to her that she can hear Jesus in her very heart. I asked her if I spoke to Jesus would he talk to me?  She said, “if you will sit quietly and try to listen that she was sure Jesus would speak to you.” 

So, one day I did sit down in the back of the chapel and asked Jesus quietly in my heart, “Hello Jesus, Are you there?”  Immediately, I heard a voice say, “Yes, I am always with you Mary.”  

I thought to myself, that maybe I was just imagining this answer, so I asked, “Could you answer me in words I would never use so I know it is really not myself who is responding, but you?” Then I heard Jesus say, “I AM HERE! I promise to be always with you Mary.” 

Then I was truly convinced that it was Jesus Christ who spoke. I don’t remember my conversations with Jesus after that time for a while. 

However, a year or two later when I was 6 years old after my family had moved to Ohio I had a crisis of faith.

My family were living temporarily near my Primary School at The Howard Johnson’s Hotel while we looked for a new home. It took almost 6 months for us to find the right property. It was a ranch with bungalow set in the midst 36 acres of woodland, streams, fields and even a large pond right in front of the house. 

So, you can imagine how I felt when we did move to this lovely new home and I was able to come back from school and go outside to play instead of staying home another night in front of the TV sitting in the hotel.  I could not wait to explore it all!

Sundays my parents started to attend the local Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. I was not interested in spending another day indoors and told them I would rather stay at home.  However, I was only 6 years old and they would not allow me to stay home alone or to miss Sunday School.

One Sunday when attending my Sunday School the lesson was based on the Scripture  in Book of Revelation 3 Verse 20 ~ 

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone would answer and open the door I will come in and fellowship with them and reveal My Father to them.”  

We colored the picture of Jesus knocking at the door of a cottage which was surrounded by a climbing rose. I remember thinking I wonder who lives there?  Then our teacher who was what we as kids would call real “A Real Serjeant Major” insisted we learn this verse of scripture by repeating it word for word so as not to forget it. I started praying that God would excuse me from church so I could stay home and explore our ranch. 

However, my could not help but think that I should probably ask Jesus what He thought about my plans to miss Sunday School at church. 

Then I decided to challenge Jesus. I spoke to Him silently in my heart one night before going to sleep. I said that I did not believe He or His Father were really there watching over me and all the people of the world.  

I told Him that if when I awoke the next morning, if He did not show Himself so that I could see Him in the eyes of my heart and hear Him clearly, that then it would be only right for me to be excused from attending Sunday School at church. 

I added the condition that if I heard Him knock on my door that He could not bring God The Father with Him, since I was sure that The Father would be angry with me for being so naughty.

The next morning, I awakened to the sound of the birds singing.  I could feel the sunlight shining in upon me in my bed. I remembered my prayer and kept my eyes shut asking silently, “Well then, where are you?”  Suddenly, Jesus turned up close and personal, about 6 inches from my face laughing! I said, “Stop laughing at me! Why are you laughing?”
Jesus said, “Mary, we are overjoyed that you invited us.” I said, “Hey wait! I told you I did not want The Father to come in with you!”

Jesus said, “Mary, Our Father is not angry with you! Do not be afraid!  We love you. We have been waiting for you to open the door to us. You know the way to heaven! My Father is in Me, and I am in Him.  We are never apart.”

“Jesus said, Remember, you are able to find us at any time because you now will always know the way to heaven. We will never leave you. If you ever need anything, just call My Name.” 

From that time onward, whenever I was in need of comfort or aid I would call out  His Name, “Jesus!” Then Jesus would meet me and take me to Our Father in Heaven.

My Heavenly Father explained to me that Jesus is my Brother and that  His Holy Spirit is constantly with me because I invited The Holy Spirit to live with me. Therefore, I can hear Him speak to me. And that when I invited His Son Jesus to reveal Himself to me then that was when His Holy Spirit came to live with me and to make a way to heaven so I could always be near My Heavenly Father.

He (The Holy Spirit) explained that they had work for my Mother and Father and me to do at this church.  He reminded me of His Commandment, “Honor and Obey your Father and Mother that you may live long in the land that The Lord God has given you.”  So therefore, I would be sinning and causing my parents to sin if I refused to attend church.

I grew up to become a wife and a Mother of six children who were born in Scotland, England, Sweden, Singapore, China and the United States of America. I now am employed as a Christian Street Pastor, Lay Speaker, Author & Blogger, Worship Dancer, Singer & Songwriter, and Prophetic Artist. I am a Mother of 6 children. I am not living in Wales where I was sent from a Welsh Village in Ohio to pray for The Lord’s People of Wales to return to Him in this Season of His Outpouring of His Latter Day Rains.

Another scripture, I find comforting is I John 5:14-15 ~ “And this is our blessed assurance, that which we have in Him: that if we ask anything according to His will, He listens to and hears us. And if we know that He listens to us in whatever way we ask, we also know that we have the answers to the requests made of Him.”  And verse 21 ~ “Little children, keep yourselves from idols. (anything that would take the first place of Jesus in your hearts. Amen.”

I now live and work in Wales, UK where with Jesus by my side and His help I am helping Him to prosper His Kingdom on earth as He wishes it to become (as in Heaven) among His People.



The Hammer Piano Dulcimer Music when played completely with the guidance of The Holy Spirit has special properties of healing and restoration not only to the body,mind, spirit and soul but also to the environment the spiritual atmosphere. This is true because it is an invention which is a heaven sent revelation. The notes have been synchronized with the same notes played in heaven realms for many purposes. 

These particular sequences of chords are numerically coded which produce notes that release particular sound waves when struck. These  sound waves which are interpreted by our mind and body cause the effects of healing and restoration to the Brain and the Body from all the negative effects around us. Not only does this music affect the spiritual atmosphere around us but it also awakens and restores our spirit to heavenly realms and restores the soul from all the harm in that atmosphere.  

Both to and to elevate the Spirit with and to cleanse the Soul with what I sense and experience is a Holy Spirit of Truth Detoxification.  Or in other words a Holy Ghost Surgery in every part of our beings. That is to say that these sound waves are on the same higher frequency of the Higher Light of the Higher LIfe Energy of Heavenly realms in the Holy Place. In fact, these sounds call this light forth from the Holy of Holies between the Cherubim where The Lord Most High Yeshua Sabaoth is residing. 

This music has a cleansing effect causing the necessary reset of the electrical pathways and magnetic field of the body for optimum health.  In particular, I have received Reset Sonatas that have brought healing to the body and the mind. I have also played and recorded Sonatas for particular diseases for healing to be achieved effectively. 

The Sound Waves of these notes positively affect the brain. These notes when played in a certain succession of what is called an Activation Sonata cause regeneration of the parts of the brain that are not active and that need to be reset, cleansed and reactivated.   

For example, I have received and played Activation & Reset Sonatas for people to be reactivated  to the fullness of the knowledge of their gifts and talents of the dispensation of their
Identity and work  

This music awakens and alerts the brain to subliminal information. It is a musical activation tool sent from heaven to be played by those who have been trained on this instrument from an earlier time. In modern day terms of language it is like the  reboot of a computer that will bring the brain a download. These musical chords call forth to the mind the many revelations that

The Hammer Piano Dulcimer Music when played completely with the guidance of The Holy Spirit has special properties of healing and restoration not only to the body,mind, spirit and soul but also to the environment the spiritual atmosphere. This is true because it is an invention which is a heaven sent revelation. The notes have been synchronized with the same notes played in heaven realms for many purposes. 

These particular sequences of chords are numerically coded which produce notes that release particular sound waves when struck. These  sound waves which are interpreted by our mind and body cause the effects of healing and restoration to the Brain and the Body from all the negative effects around us. Not only does this music affect the spiritual atmosphere around us but it also awakens and restores our spirit to heavenly realms and restores the soul from all the harm in that atmosphere.  

Both to and to elevate the Spirit with and to cleanse the Soul with what I sense and experience is a Holy Spirit of Truth Detoxification.  Or in other words a Holy Ghost Surgery in every part of our beings. That is to say that these sound waves are on the same higher frequency of the Higher Light of the Higher LIfe Energy of Heavenly realms in the Holy Place. In fact, these sounds call this light forth from the Holy of Holies between the Cherubim where The Lord Most High Yeshua Sabaoth is residing. 

This music has a cleansing effect causing the necessary reset of the electrical pathways and magnetic field of the body for optimum health.  In particular, I have received Reset Sonatas that have brought healing to the body and the mind. I have also played and recorded Sonatas for particular diseases for healing to be achieved effectively. 

The Sound Waves of these notes positively affect the brain. These notes when played in a certain succession of what is called an Activation Sonata cause regeneration of the parts of the brain that are not active and that need to be reset, cleansed and reactivated.   

For example, I have received and played Activation & Reset Sonatas for people to be reactivated  to the fullness of the knowledge of their gifts and talents of the dispensation of their
Identity and work  

This music awakens and alerts the brain to subliminal information. It is a musical activation tool sent from heaven to be played by those who have been trained on this instrument from an earlier time. In modern day terms of language it is like the  reboot of a computer that will bring the brain a download. These musical chords call forth to the mind the many revelations that


WATCHWOMAN and Psalmist & Musician giving performances of Healing Heaven Sent Music performed on the Hammer Piano Dulcimer.


Father in Jesus Name, i send the Hosts of Heaven over this girl 6000 miles around her to bring down the platforms, destroy the strongholds, shred and bash all demonic forces, principalities and the powers of darkness AND BIND THEM , send  AND SEND THEM to “the dungeons reserved” for the oppressors in league with The Adversary Satan. Rev. 20:2-3 Dungeons 

“I declare now the hand of Yahweh is against you! In The Mighty Name of Jesus The Christ.” Acts 13:11

I curse the roots of depression attacking her mind right now in Jesus Name, I  release over her the Oil of Healing from past traumas and hurts, the Oil of deliverance from every stronghold, the Oil of Joy to heal her heart in Jesus Mighty Name..

I sever all emotional cords and soul ties between her and her negative past, between the emotional mind in her epicenter and the upper mind so that her thoughts would no longer bring negative reactional emotions.. I declare and decree a blocking of the cortisol release in her body and i command an extravagant release of serotonin and dopamine, also the regular release of endorphins in Jesus Name...

I speak over her entire nervous system, full reset and overhaul, a full refreshing, a full rewiring of the brain from the negative to the positive thoughts, i speak uprooting and death to all negative emotions and i command a full restoration and regeneration of all her cells especially her neurons to the molecular level while wiping the cellular memory from all traumatic residues in Jesus Mighty Name...

I bless her sleep in Jesus Mighty Name, I pray while she sleeps she will hear The Lord knock at her Spirit’s Sanctuary and she will allow Jesus to enter and allow Jesus to fellowship with Him and Our Father. 

I speak full cleansing of her body and like you said Lord that you will purge us with hyssop and wash us clean to become whiter than snow, i speak full purging and washing over her so that she can become new in Christ and i declare and decree a full rebirth over her that God won't make mention of her sins, that she will become a completely new person while the bad habits are washed away and the old woman in her is dead for a fresh new one to arise with also a new mindset in Jesus Mighty Name, AMEN

Say Aloud each day and speak the Word of God:

"I shall not die but live and declare the goodness of The LORD in the land of the living." ~

"God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind." ~

I will live and declare the goodness and the mighty deeds of My Lord's salvation! unto me."

Look up all Scriptures for Protection with the word Shield in the Concordance. such as:

SHIELD SCRIPTURES: "For you have been a shield and a stronghold for the need in his distress, a shelter from the storm, a shade from the heat; for the blast of the ruthless ones is like a rainstorm against a wall." ~ Isaiah 25:10l "They will not hunger or thirst, neither will mirage mislead or scorching wind or sun smite them for He Who has mercy on them will lead them, and by springs of water will He guide them." ~ Isaiah 49:10 (See also Rev. 7:16,17) "For you LORD will bless the righteous , as with a Shield you will compass him about and surround him with goodwill, (Your pleasures and favor.)" ~ Psalm 5:12 "As for Adonai, His way is perfect. The Word of The LORD is tested and tried; He is a shield toall those who take refuge and put their trust in Him. For who is God exdept the Lord?" "Or who is the Rock save Our God?" ~ Psalm 18:30 "Our inner selves wait for the LORD. He is our help and our shield." ~Psalm 33:20 "For our Shield, belongs to the Lord, and our King to the Hol One of Israel." ~ Psalm 89:18 "The Princes and noble of the peoples are gathered together, a united people for the God of Abraham, for The Shields of the earth belong ot God; He is highly exalted." ~ Psalm 47:9 "Behold our shield (the King as Your agent), O God, and look upon the face of Your Anointed One(s)." ~ Psalm 84:9-11 "Then He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings shall you trust and find refuge, ; His truth and His faithfulness are a shield and a buckler." ~Psalm 91:4 "You who reverently fear the Lord, trust in and lean on the Lord! He is their Help and their Shield!" ~ Psalm 115:11 "Oh God, My Lord The Strength of My Salvation, you have covered my head in the day of battle." ~Psalm 140:7 "After these things, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram, I am you Shield, your abundant compensation, and your reward shall be exceedingly great." ~Genesis 15:1 "You have also given me the shield of your protection and salvation; and Your condescenscion and gentlenss have made me great." ~ II Samuel 22:36 Blessing of The LORD upon The Tribe of Benjamin includes His Covering & Shield: "Of Benjamin he said: 'The Beloved of the LORD shall dwell in safety by Him; He covers him all the day long and makes His dwelling between His shoulders." ~ Deutreronomy 33:12 The LORD revealed to me that this means He carries us between His shoulders always." "Behold, I have indelibly imprinted (a picture of you) on the palm of each of My hands; (O Zion) your walls (are shielded by HIS High Securities of Love & Light) are continually before me." ~ Isaiah 49:16 "But you O Lord are a shield for me, my glory and the lifter of my head." ~ Psalm 3:3 "You have also given me the Shield of Your Salvation, and your right hand has held me up ; Your gentleness and condescension have made me great." ~ Psalm 18:30 WATCHWOMAN and Psalmist & Musician giving performances of Healing Heaven Sent Music performed on the Hammer Piano Dulcimer.



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For those who are still apart and wondering what I meant by “Come Up Higher!” 

For those who are yet to become set apart for His Purpose in Their Lives to be lived out this quote of the words of Andrew Murray from and excerpt of his book “The Authority of The Believer”  is what is meant by the statement I made in the video,  “Come out from them, and Come up Higher!”

Excerpt from Andrew Murray’s Book “The Authority of The Believer”   Page 27-28

“Do we believe that God “hath quickened us together with Christ and hath raised us p together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:5-6)?

“If we do, our reaction to it will be a fervent prayer, “Lord, I accept Thy gracious word, I believe that Thou hast thus wrought for me. In humble faith I do now take my seat in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus at Thy Right hand. Teach me how to fulfill this sacred ministry, how to exercise the authority which Thou has entrusted to me. Train me day by day that I may attain to the full stature of the perfect man in Christ, so that in me Thy purpose of the ages may be fulfilled. Amen.” 

“If we are walking in the Spirit, our normal life is in the heavenlies. T secure the consciousness of this, there must be a daily acceptance of the fact. Let us, morning by morning, as one of our first acts of worship, take our seat with Christ (as suggested in the previous paragraph) and return thanks to God for all that it implies. Let us often remind ourselves that we are seated far above all the powers of the air, and that they are in subjection to us. As our faith learns to use the Name and the Authority of Jesus, we shall find the spiritual forces yielding obedience in ways that will surprise us. 

As we continue to abide closely in Him our prayers for the advancement of the Kingdom will become less and less the uttering of petitions and will increasingly manifest the exercise of a spiritual  authority that recognizes no national boundaries, but fearlessly binds the forces of darkness in any part of the world.”

“This is  the day that The Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” ~Psalm 118:24






Today 3:37am
I suppose I should have come along here sooner, to let you know just how much I appreciate you and your music.
First of all, your music is so inspiring.
The kind of stuff that can help you get through those really rough days, (You've been there through some of mine recently, and I don't know if I can tell you how much your music has helped.)
I hope to be able to be here to watch all of your future albums come out, and watch your fanbase grow.  All in all, thankyou for being so amazing. =]
And here's well wishes for everything you do in the future, because you deserve only the best.


Another Holy Mystery clarified to me by The Holy Spirit about Jesus' Blood and Creation, is that Mary was overshadowed by Him (The Holy Spirit of The Father) who spoke the life of His Son into her to create Jesus as Perfect in His Divine Will. All that The Heavenly Father created was by His Spoken Word. Therefore, Jesus was the word made flesh safely harbored in Mary's Womb. 

Mary like any other Mother was intimately acquainted with her infant son during the time he grew and was clothed in flesh. She was the first fruit of many who would be given the indwelling of The Holy Spirit when they believed upon Jesus Christ as the only begotten son of Yahweh. She believed this to be true because she was told by The Angel Gabriel that she would become pregnant by the power of the overshadowing of The Holy Spirit to bring forth God's Only Begotten Son. 

Therefore, she was the first human to experience the indwelling of The Holy Spirit of The Father Elohim who never left His Son Jesus Christ until he took mankind's sins upon Himself when He was crucified on the cross. God The Father left Jesus only when His Son took upon Himself all the sins of the world. Jesus Christ then said at that moment, "Abba! Abba! Why have you forsaken me?" 

Later Jesus The Christ admonished Mary Magdalene not to touch him when she met Him near the tomb in the garden where she discovered Him. This was because He still had not ascended into heaven with the weight of all mankind's sins upon Him. If she had touched Jesus then, there would have been transference of the sins of the world upon her. 

Remember also that after descending into hell, where He confessed  and prayed to His Abba Psalm 16, He was raised by The Power of The Father on the third day. (For Witness of this Ruach Hakodesh Word refer to Kevin Zadai’s testimony.)  Jesus The Risen Lord then carried His Precious Blood which was bleeding from Him up to heaven to sprinkle on The Mercy Seat where all the sins of mankind ever committed are carved/written upon it. The Spiritual Law was activated, "When The One and Only Begotten Son of God (Yahweh)  who was innocent and held no sin or blemish laid down His Life and shed His own blood for His Brothers & Sisters who were tainted with sin, then the fullness of the plan of His Sacrifice to redeem all of mankind was accomplished. 

This was not only a sacrifice made by and of Jesus Himself in obedience to His Father, but also a sacrifice by Our Heavenly Father of His only Begotten Son to redeem His Creations (All of Mankind)  from everlasting death. This was plan was agreed upon and put into action when Satan was cast down into the earth along with all the angels who he led in rebellion.  

One more thing revealed to me by The Holy Spirit: Abba Elohim will never ever again be apart from His Son Jesus. He is the shade at His Right Hand Side not needing to carry a shield. His Promise to Jesus since the agony He suffered of His Father taking away the Presence of His Holy Spirit from Him on the cross was almost more than He could bear. 

Jesus was able to bear this one last burden for our sake, so that we would never have to suffer Our Father taking His Holy Spirit from us when we repented of our sins and called upon The Almighty Name of Jesus.. He held out for the Joy of seeing us appear in His Courts when we came to believe upon Him. Let us now complete this Most Holy Commission to help Him to finish His Ministry of Reconciling All Our Brothers and Sisters to Our Heavenly Father. 

Many wonder what about whether Jesus will come before all have heard the truth and the testimony of The Truth, being that Jesus is The Only Living Begotten Son of Elohim and The only way and door to everlasting Life. Read II Timothy 3:16. This states that we all have a moral compass
within us and we all have the presence of our spirit to turn away or turn toward His Presence and accept His Lordship. Therefore, judgement will be completely justified on that soon coming day of Jesus The Christ’s Return.

Come Now My Brotherman for Jesus’ Sake! 
A Prophetic Message to The Bride of Christ ...Come, Now Is The Time!
Song Performed by Electric Spice Selkie Project - COME NOW MY BROTHER-MAN RE-MIX
He posted bail for you when you stumbled and fell. 
You weren’t even singed by the fires of hell. 
He ransomed you from that dark cave 
and saved you from an early grave…. 
So don’t forget your promise to him that day. 
Come Now My Brotherman for Jesus’ Sake... 
Walk with me as to a different drummer. 
Come make that distant journey to heaven, 


Many will be the number who publish the Signs, Wonders & Miracles I will perform during Appointed Worship at designated and strategic chapels in Wales where My Old Wells lie dormant for this new Season of Refreshing!  My People will come to Worship in My Presence and My Glory will invade the land. The Churches will be filled and the pubs will be emptied!

When I visit I will come like a tempest! I will bring into alignment My Kingdom Purposes and Plans in all areas of Governance. I will sweep clean their halls of the injustices perpetrated in the land. I will appoint just leaders who attend to My Voice!

I will establish Tabernacles of Worship and Healing Prayer Centres. I will establish unity among the ecumenical churches.

I will wash the people of their unclean ways and re-establish Wales as a Sheep Nation.  I will then send forth My Fire Brands to bear this Living Water and Bread of Life to many other nations for My Glory.  I have spoken and what I have said I will finish.

When I was on my way into the Holy Trinity Malpas church I found a butterfly resting on my friends shoulder. We released it and as we did I sensed The Holy Spirit was releasing a new beginning for Wales with this Prophetic Word Released and Decreed on that day.  However, she picked it up and released it into the church. This seemed to be a message to me that we must come in and drink from the honey of the rock from The Holy Spirit before we can be released to be a blessing outside among the people who have not yet heard the gospel of Christ. Therefore, we must begin with prayer and communion with The Holy Spirit seeking hidden mann daily. As The Holy Spirit revealed to John in Revelation 2:17: 

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it.

When I was given permission to speak this word at the Holy Trinity Malpas Church they welcomed this Prophecy.  I also prophesied that their church would become an International House of Prayer. The Pastor said that my prophecy was a confirmation to them that their church would become a home to many nations and an International House of Prayer. Rhema Word to Mary Kathryn Dullforce received July 19th, 2010. 

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My new Devotional Book of The Words of Jesus spoken to me in quiet times of communion with Him in His Presence. Pray and ask and He will give you His Words of Guidance and Counsel also.

Part   One



There are many who wonder, who will stand before The Throne of Jesus Christ to be approved by Him to enter The Blessed Assurance of Everlasting Life.

The Holy Scriptures reveal this is no mystery. Those who have desired holiness and righteousness and sought to bear His Name without fear of men. Those who desire this holiness daily wash themselves by confessing their sins and repenting sorrowfully before Him. 

They believe that if they truly discern the fullness of Christ’s sacrifice to enable them to enter heaven which essentially means what He meant when He said, “He that drinketh my blood dwelleth in me, and I in him.” they will be cleansed of all sins and enter in to dwell with Him every day and night of their lives. 

Therefore, that is why Jesus commanded His disciples to do so in Matthew 26:26-28. He also revealed that “He will not drink of this fruit (grape) of the vine from that point on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s Kingdom. “ Verse 25.

Why was this a necessary for Jesus to forgo to drink again of the wine?  Jesus was without sin. This being that same Precious Blood of His Body that He would shed during His death on the cross to wash away all the sins of mankind.  He was abstaining because He wanted there to be no confusion concerning the power of His Blood to wash away all taint of sin. Therefore, He said this so that all would come to believe in this truth would come and receive this cleansing and new life.  

He desired for all to come, the fullness of The Bride to come into His Kingdom that shall have no end.  He would not partake of wine because this would be an act that would diminish the fullness of the impartation to His Bride. He wanted to impart fullness of freedom to us all to enter in to heaven and receive our mandates with our mantles of authority. He also wanted to impart wholeness to His Bride. He abstained so that that fullness may be imparted. 

Therefore, His Blood was now set apart as the fruit of the vine He consecrated for this purpose. The purpose of it then being  utilized to cleanse all who would approach The Mercy Seat in heaven from that point onwards. He would not drink His own blood which would be shed for the forgiveness of sins. Christ was  already sinless and the only acceptable blood to atone for all sins. He was the only acceptable living sacrifice who chose to offer His blood on mankind’s behalf. In reality, the sins of all mankind were put upon Him as He died on the cross. However, you must remember there is no substitute for the attitude of the heart. If your heart is still resisting holiness you cannot draw near to God The Father no matter how many times you take Holy Communion!