Tuesday, 19 May 2020

The Armour of Amour

Nine Reigns of The Gifts of The Holy Spirit

The Armor of Amour

Calling all The King's Lights...
Come Out of Darkness into Light
Jesus is calling us onward and upward 
Now is the time to don your Armor of Light.

Jesus calls us higher for His Quickening, 
Seeing is Believing…
There will be a Reckoning! 
All debts will be paid as we are Re-made! 

Fashioned in His Light and Love, 
Wearing Our LIGHT Armor from Above. 
Out of The Womb of The Dawn.....
He will send Us Forth! 

Be made ready on The Day of His Power. 
To defeat darkness in the 11th Hour. 
All of Satan's Kingdom will cower! 
Before The Almighty Adonai!  

Word of Knowledge Poem “Armor of Amour” Copyright 2012 by Mary Kathryn Dullforce

Monday, 18 May 2020

Sons of Righteousness Revealed ~ Chapter 1 Ebook

Waiting On The Lord

A Time for Restorations Is Coming  

The time of My Jubilee is near for all who abide in Me
Great will be your rejoicing as you win the bounty.
I will cause all to be as I have ordered in My Company
Faithful Haseed Love is all I ask of you In My Symphony.

You must come and play your part with a whole heart.
Come and lift your voice to speak forth My New Start.
All is for nothing if you turn and hear the Adversary.
Do not fear His Words of Dark Deeds Contrary.

Hear now and run to your posting. 
Refusing to heed devils boasting.
He is soon in for a real roasting
As I make a show of the toasting.

The Evil Princes deeds of this earth
Will soon be hearing defeat as a dearth
Of Cries of Woe for I Am their dread foe.
I choose and pick the battles you sow.

I am watching over My Words to perform it.
You only need to go forth and sow it. 
Be ready for the new songs of deliverance
I will send them in times of sustenance.

Is not My Word is like a hammer and a fire.
I will burn the wicked like chaff in My Wrath. 
Take hold of truth and walk in the New Way.
I will uphold you who Hear and Do as I say.

Walk as if you are already Marchioness 
Walk as if you are A Mighty Lioness!
Walk and then run with Holy Fervor
Then will you see My Divine Favor.

Word of Knowledge Ruach Hakodesh ~ Revealed to Mary Kathryn Dullforce 13th April, 2020

Sons of Righteousness Revealed 

Chapter 1

The New Beginning prophesied concerning the nations has already been planted by The LORD.  The seeds have been sown and He will water them with His Outpouring of Latter Day Fiery Refining, Rains of His Spirit and The Ruach HaKodesh of His Word.  The way forward is only through the Door of Recognition.  Coming they will be recognised and accounted as His Own.

This renewal and the rebuilding of His Kingdom on earth will come in a hidden way at first and then all things that are hidden shall be revealed. Yet He has revealed His Word to Isaiah concerning this redemptive process of His Chosen People in Chapters 48-49 particularly which is the beginning. 

The new beginning on the earth of a Kingdom Culture will start with those seeking the Anointing for Holiness. The LORD will not appoint anyone who can not be ruled willingly by Him. He will not suffer unholiness in the camp. Therefore, those who are faithful with what they are given, He will give much more to rule even whole regions and cities. We must remember that Holy Zion is birthed from above with His People attending His Courts and receiving their Divine Appointments and mandates to carry out their commissions on earth. This is a mandate that requires them to walk in a Mantle of Kingdom Authority. 

Just as The LORD established a form of righteousness in His Servants Elijah and Elisha so He will do so for His modern day Prophets. They will speak with His Authority because they walk in His Mantle of Authority. Therefore, your next step in determining your place is to ascend to The true position of your attendance in heaven as an ambassador to earth. 

The Lord is sending His Workmen and Artisans to rebuild His Tabernacle of Worship.  “Then The Lord showed me four smits or workmen (one ofr each enemy horn, to beat it (the enemy horns of power) down.”  Then Zechariah asked, “What are these horns coming to do?  And he said, These are the horns or powers that scattered Judah so that no man lifted up his head.  But these smiths or workment have come to terrorize them and cause them to be panic-stricken, to cast out the horns of powers  of the nations who lifted up their horn against the land of Judah to scatter it.” ~ Zechariah 1:20-21. 

“And many nations shall join themselves to the Lord on that day and shall be My People.  And I will dwell in the midst of you, and you shall know  that the Lord of host has sent me (His Messenger) to you.”  See also (Isaiah 2:3: Micah 4:2.) 

“And the Lord shall inherit Judah at His portion in the holy land and shall again choose Jerusalem.”  “Be still, all flesh, before the LOrd, for He is aroused and raised and from his holy habitation.” (Habakkuk 2:20; Zephaniah 1:7.)

Therefore, who is Zerubbabel who has laid the foundations of this house?  It is these dispersed ones, His hidden ones in Christ. The great mystery of the diaspora is revealed. These Chosen People were purposely scattered among the nations to bring others into the Kingdom of God to be tested and tried in the fires of refining for holiness. So even though they appear gentile they have in part a bloodline reaching back to His Chosen People of Israel. How can I say this is true? Does not The Lord reveal all to those who ask for wisdom, He will give it.  See He said, “Thus says the Lord God; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph ---which is in the hand of Ephraim --- the tribes of Israel his associates, and will join with it the stick of Judah  and make them one stick, and they shall be one in My hand.  When the sticks on which you write shall be in your hand before their eyes.  Then say to them, Thus says the LOrd God, Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the nations to which they have gone, and will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land.”

As we see this same witness in by Isaiah in Chapter 11 “And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch (Jesus Christ of Nazareth a Nazarene (meaning Separated or Branch)  shall grow out of his roots:”, so therefore, the Kingdom of God is located in many places at first but then it will grow up out of the stem of Jesse and this branch is an off-shoot from the Jewish line, the ingrafting of the gentiles into the Bride of Christ has Jewish ancestry.  As you may know many of the North American Indians test positive for Jewish Bloodlines in their DNA markers.  There is a case to be made for their migration from the middle east for this reason to North America. At one time there existed land bridges to the continents which were not all separated. 

Consider also that the United Kingdom is composed of the remnants of three continents and that many people from Israel have found refuge in the United Kingdom and remained to mingle with the anglo-saxon bloodlines. Another clue is in Ezekiel 34:13 where The Lord says, “As a shepherd seek out his sheep in the day that he is among his flock that are scattered, so will I seek out My sheep;  and I will rescue them out of all places where they have been scattered in the day of clouds and thick darkness.  And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and will bring them to their own land, and I will feed them upon the mountains of Israel, by the water-courses, and in all the inhabited places of the country.”  

“And it shall be in that day that the Root of Jesse (The Father of David) shall stand as a signal for the peoples;  of Him shall the nations inquire and seek knowledge, and His dwelling shall be glory (His rest glorious)!  And in that day The Lord shall again lift up His hand a second time to recover the remnant of His people which is left, from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Pathros, from Ethiopia, from Elam (in Persia), from Babylonia, from Upper Syria, and from the countries bordering on the Mediterranean Sea.” ~ Isaiah 11:10-16 See also (Jeremiah 23:58.)

Then we see Judah is mentioned again, “And the chiefs of Judah shall say in their hearts, The inhabitants of Jerusalem are our strength in the Lord of Hosts, their God.  In that day will I make the chiefs of Judah like a big, blazing pot among sticks of wood and like a  flaming torch among the sheaves (of grain), and they shall devour all the peoples rond about, on the right hand and on the left, and they of Jerusalem shall yet again dwell and sit securely in their own place, in Jerusalem. And the Lord shall save and give victory to the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem may not be magnified and exalted above Judah.”

“In that day will the Lord guard and defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and he who is feeble and stumbles among them in that da of persecution shall become strong and noble like David, and the house of David (shall maintain its supremacy) like God, like the Angel of the Lord Who is before them.”  ~Isaiah 12: 6-14 

As you keep reading you see that this will be a supernatural repatriation to Israel of a Set Apart Chose People who will preach The Kingdom Gospel to the people of Israel in such a way they will come to mourn the true Messiah who their ancestors crucified. 

And again Judah is mentioned as a weapon in The Lord’s hand when He speaks through Zechariah,  As for you also, because of and  for the sake of the (covenant of the Lord with His people , which was sealed with sprinkled covenant blood, I have released and sent forth your imprisoned people out of the waterless pit.” 

“Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope; even today do I declare that I will restore double your former prosperity to you.” “For I have bent Judah for Myself as My bow, filled the bow with Ephraim as My arrow, and will stir up your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece, and will make you Israel as the sword of a mighty man.” 

“And the Lord shall be seen over them and His arrow shall go forth as the lightning, and the Lord God will blow the trumpet and will go forth in the windstorms of the south.  The Lord of Hosts shall defend and protect them; and they shall devour and they shall read on their fallen enemies as on sling stones that have missed their aim, and they shall drink of victory and be noisy and turbulent as from wine and become full like bowls used to catch the sacrificial blood, like the corners of the altar. And the Lord their God will save them on that day as the flock of His people, for they shall be as the precious jewels of a crown, lifted high over and shining glittering upon His land.  For how great is his beauty!  And how great [He will make Israel’s beauty!  Grain shall make the young men thrive and fresh wine the maidens.” ~ Zechariah 9:11-17

Spirits Will Be Shining In Glorious Refining

Spirits will be shining, in glorious Refining!
Time to turn aside from the old ways.
Join My Campaign to Regain! 
The devil will not win souls ,My due.
For By My Spirit, My Saints I will imbue.
Solace, Tranquility, Peace...All for a price
So will I win My Beloved Bride  in a trice!

I twin you to My Being! Joined at my hip, you will not slip.
I keep you in Peaceful, Masterful even Joyful Kinship.
Scenes of what will come shall gladden your hearts!
Brethren will come bearing gifts to play their parts.
Leaving all the comings and goings to My behests,
Bidden to your humble table these Royal Guests.

Bring forth The Bans to decree Our Royal Wedding...
My Bride shall  be readied to meet me Her  King.
All Mankind will hear the Song of Songs  to sing...
“In with the new!” their words will ring!
Bought for a price My Glorified Bride! 
To be without blemish or a spot of pride.

By The Only One who is Faithful and True.
Jesus who I sent who came not just for the few.
For all who would worship Me In Truth. 
I will renew them in their second youth. 
To take the narrow way through Heavens’ Door...
Then Sorrow and Sighing will be no more. 

Joyfully My Heavenly Hosts will be witnessing
The captives freed by Saints sent healing
Leave aside your cares! Come join in the dance!
Watch! Set the fires for My Kingdom’s advance. 
Hearts alight to usher in A Royal Reckoning
Flash mobs will gather to move and groove!
On streets of injustice, I will make the nations prove! 

I Am He who sends. I Am He who mends. 
I Am He who lends. I Am He who tends…
My Sheep who hear Me are told...
To come into My Safe haven, The Last Pinfold. 
Now is the time to see your destiny unfold.
I call Generals to lead them Up The Holy Tump.
Watchmen, raise My Standard! Blow My Trump!

My Voice Quells all clamor atop My Holy Tels. 
For those who Host My Spirit in Holy Hostels.
Publish Sacred Songs and Sing Spiritual Melodies.
Sing them loud! Sing them strong!  My Power to show!
The time of My appearing will be akin to falling snow.
A Hoarfrost, A Blizzard of My Presence in you will Glow.

In a Storm of My Love and Light...My Adversary will take flight!
 My Host of Angels sent to Comfort My People in The Eleventh Hour!
Nachamu Ami! Nachamu! Ami!
Then I shall show forth My Almighty Salvation Power! 
I will be shining in Heaven and on Earth In Supernovas!
My Presence will burn away the dross of My People’s chaos.

I will make known My Own, ere time has flown…
The Day of Earths’ Lease is set to become My Own.
Sing Aloud Redemption Songs from your hearts!
Do not delay to come and play your parts.
All is for nothing if you do not gain Christ. 
Come take part in this Holy Ghost Heist!

In The Winter of lost hope
In your life’s struggle to cope
I will call and win back My Prisoners of Hope.
To meet Me, Their King of Kings, Prince of Peace.
In the Final Winning Hour of Adam’s Lease.


Copyright 2017 written by Psalmist Mary Kathryn Dullforce. Publisher SELAH MARAYAH LYRICS

Holy Ghost Visitation Coming to United States of America & The Nations of The United Kingdom

“East Coast & West Coast, 
I don’t know what I love most…
The Holy Ghost is making toast…
Soon we will see His Spirit Move
And He will make this Nation Prove. 

All I know is I love to see Jesus 
Take matters into His own Hands
He has made this land, and all lands
Will see He holds all in His Hands.

He’s a mover and a shaker!
He’s The LORD Our Maker!
And He is coming in fast
And like a Blast from the past!

He will soon come like a hurricane
To take back the lease from the curse of Cain.  
So take hold of His Name to defeat shame!
And redeem from those who blame.

Sing Jesus loud and clear!
For The whole world to hear!
He is coming! He is at the doors!
Then sorrow and sighing will be no more.

Say My Name, Claim My Power!
Who are you calling upon?
When you say Jesus ...He Comes!
Like a Supernova...Lighting up the city!
Lighting up the portals of the skies!

To call us out to step up! Time to Go forth!
Time for a quickening Spirits shining!
Time for a Holy Reckoning…
Time for a move East to West Coast
Show who truly loves the Most!

It’s time for a beckoning! 
Time for a Seconding! 
Marshalls of the Host 
Rally to the voice of The LORD
Time for you to leave  the resting place to become 
A seed of His Grace on earth as you are in heaven
So you will become... for He is sending you all 
For the least, the lost, the broken who will fall.

He’s coming for the Little (Known) Ones…
He’s sending out His Hunters & Fishermen 
He is sending His Servants into the hills and coasts
Even the hedgerows, the byways and backroads.

He will stop the suffering of those perjuring. 
Pouring out the rains of His Glory!
Let Jesus rain down and reign inside  you!
Go through the city gates! 
Prepare the way for Jesus!

Lift up a banner for the people!
Gather and call them in Now!
For the time is forestalled…
Until the great harvest is stalled.

A last powerful puff of His Breath
For the Final Pow Wow of Peoples!
To meet In the Valleys of Decision!
Raise up a Banner for His Division!
Fill them with the Word of Life.

Like a Sword of His Spirit sends until
Like a fiery arrow from His Holy Hill
The embers are caught alight of His 
People put to flight to regather and
Garner the harvest of His Own Ones.

Yeah! He is flying in for the gleanings
In the fields of His final reapings…
Let all hear what He is speaking to 
The Losers and the Weepers!
“All is not lost, for My Sheep will hear
And steer clear of the False Shepherds.”

If they will only heed the sound of His
Trumpet blast from His Holy Hill.
Time to defend His Bride until
All will hear “I will not leave you!”
“Do not fear!” “I have made the path clear!”
“BE Readied and Walk Steadied by My hand.”

“Hand in hand with Me. Refuse to be condemned.”
“Refuse to walk alone. Be with Me as your Beloved
One heart, one mind, one Bride, One Beloved.”

Rhema Word from Ruach Hokadesh “The Breath of Yah” released to Mary Kathryn Dullforce ~  March 7th, 2020

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