Saturday 27 July 2019



There are many who wonder, who will stand before The Throne of Jesus Christ to be approved by Him to enter The Blessed Assurance of Everlasting Life.

The Holy Scriptures reveal this is no mystery. Those who have desired holiness and righteousness and sought to bear His Name without fear of men. Those who desire this holiness daily wash themselves by confessing their sins and repenting sorrowfully before Him. 

They believe that if they truly discern the fullness of Christ’s sacrifice to enable them to enter heaven which essentially means what He meant when He said, “He that drinketh my blood dwelleth in me, and I in him.” they will be cleansed of all sins and enter in to dwell with Him every day and night of their lives. 

Therefore, that is why Jesus commanded His disciples to do so in Matthew 26:26-28. He also revealed that “He will not drink of this fruit (grape) of the vine from that point on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s Kingdom. “ Verse 25.

Why was this a necessary for Jesus to forgo to drink again of the wine?  Jesus was without sin. This being that same Precious Blood of His Body that He would shed during His death on the cross to wash away all the sins of mankind.  He was abstaining because He wanted there to be no confusion concerning the power of His Blood to wash away all taint of sin. Therefore, He said this so that all would come to believe in this truth would come and receive this cleansing and new life.  

He desired for all to come, the fullness of The Bride to come into His Kingdom that shall have no end.  He would not partake of wine because this would be an act that would diminish the fullness of the impartation to His Bride. He wanted to impart fullness of freedom to us all to enter in to heaven and receive our mandates with our mantles of authority. He also wanted to impart wholeness to His Bride. He abstained so that that fullness may be imparted. 

Therefore, His Blood was now set apart as the fruit of the vine He consecrated for this purpose. The purpose of it then being  utilized to cleanse all who would approach The Mercy Seat in heaven from that point onwards. He would not drink His own blood which would be shed for the forgiveness of sins. Christ was  already sinless and the only acceptable blood to atone for all sins. He was the only acceptable living sacrifice who chose to offer His blood on mankind’s behalf. In reality, the sins of all mankind were put upon Him as He died on the cross. However, you must remember there is no substitute for the attitude of the heart. If your heart is still resisting holiness you cannot draw near to God The Father no matter how many times you take Holy Communion! 

Thursday 25 July 2019

Demonic Doctrine is Once Saved, Always Saved

Trauma Prayer.wmv

Monday 15 July 2019

Prayer Bullets: Divine Internal Surgery

Sunday 14 July 2019

Now Is The Time

Monday 8 July 2019

Aaronic Blessing (Hebrew/English) - James Block

Sunday 7 July 2019

Psalm 76, His Tabernacle Is In Salem