Sunday 29 September 2024

The Great Brit to Come to

                                                The Great Brit to Come to Great Britain

A Prophetic Revelation in Epic Poetic Form: 

 The Beacons Must Be Lit!

The works that are hidden in darkness shall come to light.
The Father of All Nations will bring a plight of troth to light.
The Wicked shall find no place to hide dark plots from sight.
All that they have sought for dark glory they framed in the night.

Awakened to reprobate minds they will find no place to hide.
The woke of bespoke plans shall be foiled in My justice tide.
I will bring the penitent under My Rod to stand at My Side.
I will cause the nations to shake if in My Brit they will abide.

The Beacons of Justice will be lit in position, My hidden Bride.
I will sever the cords of the wicked who wreak a tumult tide.
I will cause chaos to engulf them as they fall they will ride.
These riders will be trampled as all their cohorts are dyed.

They are not of My Ilk, they are dyed in a false colour.
Therefore, I will strain them out of My Sieve and favour.
There will be a reckoning that they could never forswear.
Their stony hearts will meet with it and they will not bear...

The weight of My Judgements and punishments of woe...
Will crush them to fall in the seas they dipped their toe.
The Blood of My Children, of the innocents they have bled...
I will bind to their hands and feet to be in a place I will shred.

        A Word of Revelation: The Horses are Running! From Amanda Grace Prophetess Ark Ministries:

This word is a word that reveals only in part the true agenda of when the horses were set to run in London and were covered in blood. This was a staged running to confound the people and prevent the plans and the timing of the restoration of Great Britain. There was a purpose and it is a  covenant with darkness. It will be disclosed shortly in many contracts and covenants with the enemies of Great Britain who even now stand set in place to reap spoils of war.

                            Let us pray that their plans and plots will come to nothing. The Bride of Ephraim of Great Britain, Manasseh  in the U.S.A. and Joseph and Judah must be reunified against a coming tide..... against speaking forth a dark and a sweeping tide, a notorious tide of this great tide of wickedness. 

The Bride must come together in solemn gathering to agree in Prayer with fasting and supplication.

                                                     Awake! Awake to put on strength to pray!

                    So then we shall call forth that which is not and we shall see...
 there shall be no end of the Tide of His Glory and there shall be NO EBB of  THE TIDE OF MY GLORY!


                                     THE THERE SHALL BE NO EBB PROPHECY SONG 


                                        A Prophetic Vision of Tumult and Blessing 2025



37 Adonai Elohim says, ‘In addition, I will let the house of Isra’el pray (inquire of me) to me to do this for them: to increase their numbers like sheep — 38 like flocks of sheep for sacrifices, like the flocks of sheep in Yerushalayim at its designated times, in this degree will the ruined cities be filled with flocks of people. Then they will know that I am Adonai.’”

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