"The voice of The Lord is lifted up with a Mighty Shout over the
The LORD is over many waters.
The voice of the LORD is powerful;
The voice of the LORD is full of majesty!" ~Psalm 29:3-4
Psalm 29 is recited on the Day of Pentecost and refers to phenomena that occurred in Acts 2:1-4 wind and divided flames.
"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language."
The LORD told me to look and I saw He was looking over the Nations of Great Britain. I looked and I saw great clouds over Great Britain. A cloud formation like a blanket of mist and fog so thick it reminded me of the fogs I saw in the 1800's in the period drama films. This cloud of mist didn't roll like the mist but it stood still and it was hovering over the lands of Great Britain. Then I looked closer and I saw that there was light under the fog and very much like that which you see in a galaxy lit by stars like unto the Milky Way.
Then I awaited The Lord to tell me what was happening. He said, "I am hovering over My Swan Nations of Great Britain who will become My Bride again. As I hovered over the earth when I spoke into being these lands I created to bring forth My Glory. I AM hovering and hiding everything for the creative purpose. My Purpose will soon burst on the scene as I blow upon this covering to strip it away to reveal, to chasten and scourge, to purge "My Swan Nations" of all that dishonours My Bride in them and seeks to prevent My Mandate for these nations."
"I will not allow My Peoples to continue in their ways of 'witch-crafted rebellion.'" They will see My Hand throw many into the sifting of My Great Shakings. I will remove the dross and take them out of the way Everything that remains and everyone will recognize
that this is My Doing. According to what I spoke to My Prophet concerning the False Prophets to Ezekiel in the Book and Chapter 13 concerning those who hunt the souls of My Families and make them sorrowful with your lies."
"My Bride will be purged to be made to stand and return to the rock from which She was hewn. All who bar and refuse to give entrance for the voice of My Holy Spirit to speak through My true Own Ones will not remain standing. Judgment has come to My House first and then to the world. I send My Prophets to till and unearth treasure hidden for this time. To tear out and pluck up the doctrines of demons and their progenitors. I send them to pluck up and to tear down, to build and to restore the breach. I send them to exhort and prepare the ground seeded with My Word of creative power. I will not allow those with a double heart to remain. Be warned! Their false light coverings will be stripped off and their dark deeds exposed. They will be marked for removal."
"Those Sons and Daughters of Belial are planning an invasion who are planning an invasion of My Ordained Fellowship gatherings be warned! All you have sown in harm and all you prepare to sow in harm against My Own Ones has already been weighted on My Scales of Justice. The next move you make will be judged with greater severity. Because you have ignored My warnings and continued in your persecutions against My Bride. I will cause you to fall into your own nets and pits while My Own Ones will remain and stand in the land I Am giving to them. Then you will know with personal experience and actual evidence of My swift judgment upon all who oppose My Kingdom coming on the earth that I AM The LORD who calls forth faithful and loyal service."
The LORD sent the Swans during this recording of the song based on the There Shall Be No Ebb (of My Glory) Prophecy and confirms this will come to pass when His Bride gathers to play her part.