Monday, 29 July 2019



Iesu, Arglwydd The Rainbow

Iesu Arglwydd The Rainbow
Shine trwof fi heddiw.
Clyw fy nghalon o hiraeth 
i chwarae fy rhan yn Eich New Beginning ...

A glanha fi gyda tân 
a buro fi gyda glaw ...
yna byddaf yn gweld eich wyneb ...
a clywed eich llais eto.

Yna byddwch yn arwain i mi a byddaf yn dilyn
i Love New Beginning ynof fi ...
eich Rainbow.

Prynwyd gan eich Gwaed,yn
yr wyfgwaredigion o cwfl
o ddartiau Satan o ofn ac anobaith.

gall fy llygaid yn awr yn gweld y newydd golygfeydd
Rydych chi wedi ei gynllunio i mi,
Iesu gan eich Gwaed ...
Im 'ddarparu o Lair diafol.

yn eich golau rwy'n gweld yr Hawl,
Ac yn eich llygaid yr wyf yn gweld 
y llawenydd eich
greu ynof.

byddaf yn cymryd o'ch llaw y allwedd
i ddrws nefoedd
Rydych chi wedi gosod i mi  rhydd
yni aros gyda chi
ar gyfer yr holl dragwyddoldeb.

Iesu Arglwydd Mae'r Rainbows
Shine trwof fi heddiw.
Clyw fy nghalon o hiraeth
i chwarae fy rhan yn Eich New Beginning.

a glanha fi gyda thân 
a puro fi gyda glaw,
yna byddaf yn gweld eich wyneb
a chlywed Eich llais eto ....

gweler Eich wyneb ....
ac glywed Eich llais eto.

Lyrics ysgrifennwyd gan Hawlfraint 2012 Mary Kathryn Dullforce 2012


April 9 
Have You Seen Jesus?
By Oswald Chambers
After that, He appeared in another form to two of them… —Mark 16:12
Being saved and seeing Jesus are not the same thing. Many people who have never seen Jesus have received and share in God’s grace. But once you have seen Him, you can never be the same. Other things will not have the appeal they did before.
You should always recognize the difference between what you see Jesus to be and what He has done for you. If you see only what He has done for you, your God is not big enough. But if you have had a vision, seeing Jesus as He really is, experiences can come and go, yet you will endure “as seeing Him who is invisible” (Hebrews 11:27). The man who was blind from birth did not know who Jesus was until Christ appeared and revealed Himself to him (see John 9). Jesus appears to those for whom He has done something, but we cannot order or predict when He will come. He may appear suddenly, at any turn. Then you can exclaim, “Now I see Him!” (see John 9:25).
Jesus must appear to you and to your friend individually; no one can see Jesus with your eyes. And division takes place when one has seen Him and the other has not. You cannot bring your friend to the point of seeing; God must do it. Have you seen Jesus? If so, you will want others to see Him too. “And they went and told it to the rest, but they did not believe them either” (Mark 16:13). When you see Him, you must tell, even if they don’t believe.
O could I tell, you surely would believe it!
O could I only say what I have seen!
How should I tell or how can you receive it,
How, till He bringeth you where I have been?
Listen to my song about seeing and hearing and walking with Jesus....."Jesus Lord of The Rainbow" ~



Spirits will be shining, in glorious Refining!
Time to turn aside from your crooked old ways.
Join My Campaign to Regain, Rule and Reign! 
The devil will not win souls who are My due.
For By My Spirit, My Saints I will imbue.
Solace, Tranquility, Peace...All for a price
So will I win My Beloved Bride in a trice!

I twin you to My Being! Joined at my hip, you will not slip.
I keep you in Peaceful, Masterful even Joyful Kinship.
Scenes of what will come shall gladden your hearts!
Brethren will come bearing gifts to play their parts.
Leaving all the comings and goings to My behests,
Bidden to your humble table these Royal Guests.

Bring forth The Bans to decree Our Royal Wedding...
My Bride shall  be readied to meet me Her  King.
All Mankind will hear the Song of Songs  to sing...
“In with the new!” their words will ring!
Bought for a price My Glorified Bride! 
To be without blemish or spot of pride.

By The Only One who is Faithful and True.
Jesus who I sent who came not just for the few.
For all who would worship Me In Truth. 
I will renew in them in their second youth. 
To take the narrow way through Heavens’ Door...
Then Sorrow and Sighing will be no more. 

Joyfully My Heavenly Hosts will be witnessing
The captives freed by Saints sent healing
Leave aside your cares! Come join in the dance!
Watch! SET THE FIRES for My Kingdom’s advance. 
Hearts alight to usher in A Royal Reckoning
Flash mobs will gather to move and groove!
On streets of injustice, I will make the nations prove! 

I Am He who sends. I Am He who mends. 
I Am He who lends. I Am He who tends…
My Sheep who are hear Me are told...
To come into My Safe haven, The Pinfold. 
Now is the time to see your destiny unfold.
I call Generals to lead them Up The Holy Tump.
Watchmen, raise My Standard! Blow My Trump!

My Voice Quells all clamor atop My Holy Tels. 
For those who Host My Spirit in Holy Hostels.
Publish Sacred Songs and Sing Spiritual Melodies.
Sing them loud! Sing them strong!  My Power to show!
The time of My appearing will be akin to falling snow.
A Hoarfrost, A Blizzard of My Presence in you will Glow.

In a Storm of My Love and Light...My Adversary will take flight!
 My Host of Angels sent to Comfort My People in The Eleventh Hour!
Nachamu Ami! Nachamu! Ami!
Then I shall show forth My Almighty Salvation Power! 
I will be shining in Heaven and on Earth In Supernovas!
My Presence will burn away the dross of My People’s chaos.

I will make known My Own, ere time has flown…
The Day of Earths’ Lease is set to become My Own.
Sing Aloud Redemption Songs from your hearts!
Do not delay to come and play your parts.
All is for nothing if you do not gain Christ. 
Come take part in this Holy Ghost Heist!

In The Winter of your life’s struggle to cope
I will call and win back My Prisoners of Hope.
To meet Me, Their King of Kings, Prince of Peace.
In the Final Winning Hour of Adam’s Lease.

Copyright 2017 written by Psalmist Mary Kathryn Dullforce. Publisher MARAYAH LYRICS

Prophetic Word for Mankind received by Mary Kathryn Dullforce 201




Just Say My Name 

So you think I am done with you.. 
So you say you haven't got a clue. 
But I say to you My Wild Child. 
I am here to lead you through. 

Your walking now in My Bright Light.. 
Down the silver path of Glory Bright. 
I am powerful to save even from beyond the grave. 
When you just say My Name. 

So when the devil does devise... 
your untimely demise 
when temptations darken your eyes.. 
I'll come for you. 


Just say My Name aloud...
No matter how far you fall....
I'll be around. 
to come for you when you call. 
Yeahhh for you when you call.

Just to see your jubilant surprise...and
that sad ... smile dawning in your eyes 
when you realize...

My loves light shining through youlike a Supernova 
I'm there for you.. Yeah, I'll come for you...
.. Say My Name.....
...Yeah, I will come, 
I will be there when you call.
My Shed Blood paid for your fall." 

Copyright Marayah Music, Publisher Maryah Music



Seek ye first My Sayings.
My Ways ...My Pay Will come.
My Heart for the Lost.
You must come to adopt.

My Sons & Daughters caught.
Your Brothers and Sisters sought.
Next of Kin arEnot the prize.
Leave them to their own demise. (Luke 12:49; 17:33)
Leave them aside for, it’s now or never! 
Come Now! Enter the Door of Power. 

Come up the Highway of Holiness
Seek first My Truth and Guidance. 

Be on guard for the leaven of sin.
Take nothing for granted! Ask where are the souls
I have sent you to win...I give you the pagans!
Do not look at their painted skin in chagrin.

See instead their eyes paining…
Look to the souls straining.
Freedom! That is what you offer! 
And a Friend In Me Forever! 

A Stronghold of Love in My Tower.
Is what My Voice Speaks in Power! 
Love them into My Kingdom with Honor.
Do not be like the pigeons in your religion.
Always pushing and shoving for gain! 

BE Like The Dove who always makes room…
Who prefers the others, to save from doom.

Be watchful and waiting ...A fullness will come.
My bounty is in the Keep of Your Heart’s Love.
Let Love flow out into the moats of My Waters.

You will find the sheep and some goats sever.

In The Quarry of My Love…
I have pressed you like a Diamond in the rough. 
So that your light will shine in due time.
“Out of darkness will come great light.”
Be readied to come forth to save others in their plight.

Be prepared in due seasons of years.
What you sow in tears, you will reap.
With shouts of joy you will surely keep
No tears or fears...just My Joy in the Deep.

My Beloved Bride, My Possession.
So though some surmise my power is in recession…
Do not tarry among those ...Come! And I will make
Even the winter sun to cause the hedgerows to bloom
A Rose out of season. 

Along the byways and highways wander with reason…
To find the Lost Sheep of My Flock.
AS it was in the beginning, so it forevermore shall be. 
On earth as I cause you to see…
So must you be as you are in heaven. 
My Treasured Inheritance.  ~

Copyright Mary K. Dullforce, Publisher ~ Marayah Music

Aaronic  Benediction  
English  Verse:   

May  the Lord,  May the Lord  bless and keep  you May his  grace and his face shine  upon you May the Lord lift  up his countenance upon you And  give you peace, and give you peace.  

(Repeat  English Verse)  
Hebrew  Verse:     Y'-­‐va-­‐re-­‐ch'-­‐cha  A-­‐do-­‐nai v'-­‐yish-­‐m'-­‐re-­‐cha;   ya-­‐er pa-­‐nav a-­‐le-­‐cha vi-­‐chu-­‐ne-­‐ka;   yi-­‐sa A-­‐do-­‐nai pa-­‐nav a-­‐le-­‐cha v'ya-­‐sem-­‐l'-­‐cha  sha-­‐lom. v'ya-­‐sem-­‐l'-­‐cha sha-­‐lom  

This  is the  way You  shall be blessed   From day to day He’ll  be your rest  
English  Verse: May  the Lord, May  the Lord bless and  keep you May his  grace and his face shine  upon you May the Lord lift  up his countenance upon you And  give you peace, and give you peace.  

And  give you  peace, And  give you peace.